A Day to Die (2022)
A quick, simple action flick
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just caught this on Netflix.

Knowing what we know now about Bruce Willis... the scathing reviews seem particularly heartless.

Honestly I don't get it. By the time this movie was released... I think the rumors had already begun about his health. So I honestly I don't understand the perspective of these reviews.

It's like criticizing a person with a leg injury for his inability to run.

This movie is a quick time passer. The action is fun , the plot is simple.

The use of editing techniques to accomodate Mr Willis declining health is obvious. Even so; the stiffness of his movements was sad to see.

But I respect him greatly for doing this even with his declining health.

The title as well as the plot are both cheaky call-backs to Bruce Willis' series "Die Hard"

All in all. If you have a heart and compassion to understand that Bruce Willis was already of ill health when he made this movie; you will appreciate this last effort.

The other actors fulfilled their roles excellently.
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