This anime is a must-see
14 January 2024
The program centers on the inseparable Tooru and Yaeka pair, who support one another's development. Tooru, who was once referred to as The Demon of the Sakuragi Group, softens and begins to appreciate life more, while Yaeka becomes more confident and overcomes her mother's accident. By exposing their history, backstory, and joyful and painful events, the program also creates an emotional connection with its audience, causing them to laugh and celebrate their personal development.

Additionally, we witnessed the Sakuragi family and the Yazuka gang's supporting cast members contributing to the overall narrative and plot's execution. It goes without saying that learning more about the histories and backgrounds of some of the supporting characters increased our level of engagement with them. They actually contributed to the development of the plot and the growing closer bond between the Tooru and Yaeka combo, rather than giving the sense that they were forced together only to advance the plot.

All things considered, this event is a must-see if you want to travel down memory lane and experience a touching and pure moment. You can tell the quality of the art and sound design in the video alone, and based only on the synopsis and trailer, you should be able to predict what to expect from the show. The adversaries are the one weak point in the tale, in my opinion. They don't really accomplish anything other than be there and be angry with the Sakuragi Group, especially Tooru. Other than that, I think the remainder of the show is really well done.
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