Star Trek: Voyager: Barge of the Dead (1999)
Season 6, Episode 3
Overstated, like everything else Klingon
13 January 2024
Once again a pointless B'Elanna episode - the new hairstyle doesn't help either, Klingon remains Klingon. In the end it's just baloney again about the Klingon afterlife and about honor and dishonor. An episode that can safely be burned to ashes in Gre'thor.

I'm still not sure if anything in this episode makes any sense, or if it's just a confused collage of supernatural metaphors for life, death, honor, disgrace, family, friendship, destiny, free will, tradition, progress, faith and rationality.

At least B'Elanna speaks to my heart when she says a Bat'leth is a clumsy weapon. How such a thing ever made it into Star Trek is still a mystery to me. First of all, everyone carries phasers and disruptors anyway, so you wouldn't be able to get into melee range at all. And secondly, every sword and every spear would be superior to this crude weapon - if one wanted to use slashing and stabbing weapons. It is not for nothing that these weapons were used in every civilization and on every continent of our planet before gunpowder changed the battlefields forever. And just as no soldier shows up at the war front with a sword today, especially no one would do that in the 24th century. Klingons should finally accept that they have arrived in the future.

And I don't know, with a multi-planetary species that should certainly contain well over 10 billion Klingons, one can assume that several hundred Klingons would die every minute - in combat or from natural causes. If even 1% of them weren't so particular about Klingon honor, the Barge of Dead would have sunk in the sea at the end of the episode due to massive overload.

By the way, how is it that Mr. "A-koo-chee-moya", who usually takes everyone on a spirit quest, wants to dissuade B'Elanna from believing in an afterlife? He tries to find a rational explanation for everything she tells him. I guess, that's what you call consistency in character development.
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