Danger Route (1967)
13 January 2024
Produced at the Height, but Slowly Sinking "James Bond"-Global Espionage-Spy Frenzy, that Dominated the Decade.

It all Started with a "No One Saw Coming" Semi-Low-Budget British Movie, Starring a Little-Known Actor, Sean Connery.

Make Way for Secret Agent James Bond...Code Name - 007...Adding an Attraction...Double 00 Have a "License to Kill".

Bond Became a "Hip" Boomer-Friendly Phenom and Showcased a Hero Dedicated to... "Queen and Country".

Bond was a "Cold-War" Super-Hero. Created by Real-Life "Spook" Ian Fleming.

All the Novels were "Best Sellers", and could be Found in the "Bedroom" (among other peripherals, just as attractive as the Bond Stories), in the Bedroom of JFK (President of the United States).

James Bond Novels were a Favorite Past-Time for the Youth Oriented Kennedy, along with other things much Warmer than the Cold-War.

He had Style...Bond, James Bond...Wore the Best, Drove the Best, Romanced the Most Glamorous, Had Numerous Skills Befitting the Elite Upper Echelon Defenders of the British Empire. What's Not to Like?

Tailor Made for the "Time"...Irresistible Post-War, New Kind of War Atmosphere of the Atomic-Age, Space-Age, and a Coming-of-Age Boomer Mentality that was On-the-Edge...

Independent Thinking, Changing Well-Established Norms to Fit the Their Time...as Written by Folk-Singer-Poet Bob Dylan..."The Times, They are, Changin".

Bond and All that He Was...is a Microcosmic Image of "The New".

At the Time, this was a Hot from the Assembly Line of the Mass-Production of "James Bond".

"Danger Route" was of the "Super-Serious" Variety.

The Approach...Mostly Grounded in Science and the Battle-Zones from Real-Life.

Unlike the Fanciful Films that the "Bond Series" and some of its Clones Became an Easy Sell with All That Eye-Candy,

Grandiose and Self Aware Satire, this One is Not.

If that's Your "Cup-of-Tea", Look Elsewhere.

This One is Played Straight, with the Lead Actor, Richard Johnson, Not Only Playing a Character Similar to the one that Connery Made Famous, with "Bond",

but Also Looks Uncannily Like Sean Connery, Especially at Certain Angles. No Coincidence.

Apart from the Trend of Self-Parody, Spoof, Satire and the Like, that of the Evolving of the Ian Fleming Character James Bond, some would say Devolved into.

This is more like the Spy-Stuff of John le Carre (also a real-life Spook)..."Sticking to Semi-Reality".

It's a Refreshing Look-Away from the what became Silly and is For Spy-Buffs a...


For Others it's...

Worth a Watch.
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