The Forger (2022)
People have misunderstood this film
13 January 2024
I wasn't sure wheter to watch this film or not. Based on a pretty low score (6.2) I wasn't expecting a masterpiece of a film, but early on I got a feeling that people might have misunderstood the movie. To be fair the storyline is a bit messy and sometimes you are shown senes with conversations or action that could have been left out of the film. As the film continues to develop you get a slight feeling that these random and messy scenes might actually add to the understanding and personality of the main character. It is a bit like watching The Talented Mr Ripley or Catch Me If You Can, but in a more confusing way. While watching this film it is hard to figure out what the essence and message is, but it all becomes very clear towards the end. It really is watching the film as it plays and understanding the film when it is done. All in all I think this is a great film worth a watch if you're not uncomfortable with being confused. I do think it is easier to understand if you are familiar with german history under ww2 (sometimes I was left wondering based of a lack of knowledge about german war history).
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