An anime with striking visuals that presents a distinctive and alluring picture of accepting oneself.
13 January 2024
(Suicide, self-harm, and sexual assault are discussed in this review.)

Wonder Egg Priority is an anime with striking visuals that presents a distinctive and alluring picture of accepting oneself. The protagonist of the tale, Ai, is given an egg and led to an underground arcade by an enigmatic voice. After breaking the egg, she finds herself in a bizarre place where her job is to defend a "Wonder" from a "Wonder Killer," a representation of their traumatic past. Ai befriends people who set out on their own quests to vanquish the Wonder Killers. Every character has a unique past and set of beliefs that shape their behavior and help them cope with adversity. Although the anime has a unique and enigmatic idea reminiscent of Ikuhara that aims to overcome problems, it gets more and more troublesome with each episode before collapsing.

Wonder Egg's use of graphics is one of its primary flaws. Paradoxically, the show's entire attraction and the reason I had such high expectations for it was its visuals. But as time went on, it started to seem repetitious, and I came to understand that this was because Wonder Egg's picture is presented in a limited way.

The trauma experienced by the victim is what makes the wonder killers real. There are abusive educators, abusive educators #2, abusive coaches, and so forth. Not only is this a recurring theme, but I also find it troublesome because trauma doesn't always manifest as a single specific incident or aggressor when we discuss delicate subjects like suicide and self-harm in real life.

One of the episodes that centers on Momoe, a tomboyish girl trying to live with society's conceptions of gender and beauty, shows how this topic affects the plot. In keeping with the theme, Momoe's mission to save a non-conforming girl who identified as a boy in that particular episode 'this is fantastic'. It is a very meaningful plot device that gives Momoe the chance to discover something about herself from her contact with someone who is likewise bound by society's expectations. It seems fitting that the entire dream sequence will center on how they embrace themselves in spite of social pressures, I thought.
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