Fresh & Unique Take On A Familiar Story
12 January 2024
I caught this in theaters in Chicago today. The Bastard Sons stays away from the tired old mobster cliche and gives us a new take on a familiar story. For me it worked a lot more than it didn't.

There are two characters in this film I would have liked to see more of but understand the reasons that wish didn't come true.

A lot of the complaints was the shaky camera shots during the fight scenes. For me it added realism to the scene. Like watching a war reporter shoot what's in front of him.

Frankie Edgar's debut as an actor was cool to see as a fan of his in the cage. Hope he continues to act.

Everything has it's flaws as does The Bastard Sons but there is a lot of good in this. It was a fun flick. Go in with an open mind and know you won't be seeing Paulie Walnuts flapping his gums.

This is a different kind of gangster movie.
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