Stepin Lose It.
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A little bit of the comic character actor Stepin Fetchit goes a long way, his screen time dominating much of the film without really being integral to the story. His slowpoke line delivery would be grating on any character performer that had more than a few minutes of screen time. Other black character actors had the same issues of stereotyping, but none were as degrading as his image which made them seem like Speedy Gonzalez in comparison. The running joke of his unseen wife continuously expecting another child quickly wears thin and takes away from the main plot.

As a local judge, Will Rogers is involved in a local election where pompous Berton Churchill is running simply as a formality, his blowhard personality typical of the power hungry, accomplish little big wig, and he doesn't even have the support of his daughter, Evelyn Venable. She's involved with his rival (Kent Taylor) who wants to actually work for the people. Decent plot but a very dated, stagy presentation. Soft spoken Louise Dresser as Churchill's wife (once Rogers' sweetheart) and a young actor named Mickey Rooney are in support, but Rogers and Stepin overwhelm all of them.
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