10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm trying really hard to remember a part of this special that stood out. All that's coming to mind is this guy over sharing his sexual kink. He's lost touch with the most important part of a joke; is it funny? I recently watched a video explaining how comedians in the Rogan sphere just aren't that talented. Some have what it takes to stand out on their own; this guy isn't one of them. It's unoriginal, it's provocative but not in a smart way, it's egotistical, and it's disingenuous. He misinterpreted the whole be yourself and people will love you thing. Be yourself, but fine tune and craft your perspective so we can all see the humour you see. Oversharing you play with your own a** to c*m and then telling a joke about being scared to have a prostrate exam. I'm just not buying it. I'm not buying this is who you are. Stop being whatever you think people want you to be. Just be you and do it with genuine confidence. Be unbothered whether we get it or not because you know it's funny. Kill the ego.
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