Sherlock Holmes in New York (1976 TV Movie)
Bond as Holmes
9 January 2024
Duped onto coming to New York city Sherlock Homes (Roger Moore) is unable to help the police locate missing gold because of Professor Moriarty's ploy.

Moore isn't bad as Holmes. He has no particular resemblance to Holmes of the illustrations, though he is tall. He can do the cool, calculating thing. But the part does lack the sparkle of Moore's humor. Holmes gets off the occasional zinger in the stories but he's not known for his sense of humor.

Patrick MacNee is a perfect Watson, but he doesn't have much to do.

Charlotte Rampling isn't my ideal of Irene Adler, but she's good. John Huston seems to enjoy overacting as the Professor.

The story is kind of dumb (I can't see countries submitting to the process described). But they've got to have some MacGuffin. And as much as I enjoy Arthur Conan Doyle he penned worse stories.

I can see two sorts of people enjoying this movie: Sherlock Holmes completists with open minds (such as I) and those who know nothing about the original stories.
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