Edmund Dantes' timeless revenge drama fits every theoretical sense in history.
9 January 2024
The Count of Monte Cristo (1934) : Brief Review -

Edmund Dantes' timeless revenge drama fits every theoretical sense in history. Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo is a universally popular novel, and we are all in awe of its timeless impact. It is so timeless that people are adapting the same story even today, in 2024. There is so much theoretical sense in it that it can never die. It's practicality passes all the tests of time. The story follows Edmund Dantes, who is unjustly imprisoned for 20 years for innocently delivering a letter entrusted to him. During his prison time, he meets a genius who shows him a new path: patience. He finally manages to escape and is found by the smugglers. He acquires a treasure the genius had told him, and then he is off to settle scores with the people who betrayed him years ago. He seeks revenge against the greedy men who conspired to put him in prison, but he has to battle some of his loved ones who are connected to them and have to make tough decisions. The idea of revenge quickly gets anybody's attention because, as humans, we all know what it means and how often we come across it. Monte Cristo has a simple motive, but there are certain things that he didn't plan. This uncertainty is also an undeniable part of a human's life, no? Well, it's so intelligent to make everything simple and sound that even a dumb person can find it intelligent. That's a different metaphor, in my opinion. The film has that ancient feel that might annoy you at times, especially some loud speeches (by Monte Cristo). Robert Donat looked bad in those loud speeches, but otherwise he has done his part well. Elissa Landi was too soft to count on as a good performer, whereas other cast members were far better. Rowland V. Leena adopts the novel in all the honest ways he can and serves as a nice cinematic adaptation to be remembered. You might have other favourites, but you can't overlook this one.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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