Christmas at the Chalet (2023 TV Movie)
9 January 2024
So many things in this movie didn't make sense to me and I'm not referring to the lack of reality that so many rom/coms have. I read other reviews to see if I could figure out anything about what I just watched. I think the word "romp" fits and it fits Teri Hatcher in this movie. The movie really was dominated by her and she basically romped her way through the story as Lex.

Lex's boyfriend breaks up with her so she takes her son's advice and goes to Aspen to be near him for Christmas. The next bit is something I've never seen before and I have seen hundreds of rom/coms and Christmas movies. Her reservation at the chalet didn't go through so she agrees to take a room as a "chalet girl" or basically service staff. She becomes the hired help. And she loves it. Meanwhile she makes posts about her experience and has tons of followers

As I said, Lex romps her way from one things to another including some things she does while not working like a night on the town with a coworker and ski lessons.

That's not enough to fill the story so let's throw in her ex-husband who is in the same place. He's there with their son. He is also there with a girl half his age. She has to wait on all of them. Like many movies involving an ex, the ex chases her down and talks about getting back together. What happens after that to Lex, her new beau, and her ex makes no sense at all. All three of them make crazy choices, so in that sense the climax is not that predictable even if the ending eventually is. Is not being predictable good if it is because the climax makes no sense? I don't want to give away spoilers but let me just say more than one character says one thing late in the movie and then 5 minutes later run time they say or do the opposite.

Note to self. This movie was passably OK once but don't watch it again.
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