Unenlightening, Hagiographic Snorefest
7 January 2024
First off, I am a massive admirer of Tarantino's work, whether he's the director or simply the writer. Few people today are putting out cinematic experiences that are both artistic and, above all, FUN. I watch his entire filmography about once per year, and some of the individual films I watch every few months. So please don't mistake me for a "hater", my criticism of this film is not a criticism of the man himself.

So now that's out of the way, let's talk about QT8, a so-called "documentary". I have no idea what the purpose of this film is. It's more of a hagiography than anything else, consisting of little more than actors lavishing praise on him and his genius for 90 minutes straight. Documentaries are generally intended to inform the viewer, but there is very little information delivered with regard to the production of the various films, or even the man himself. In fact, he barely even appears in it aside from archival footage. It's kind of interesting hearing some of the actors talk about meeting him for the first time and how much he helped them with their careers, but that approach quickly wears out its welcome and is not enough to carry a 90-minute running time.
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