Good Grief (IV) (2023)
Admired the restraint
6 January 2024
A really perfectly balanced film. It would have been so easy to play it safe and make a typical 'bubblegum' movie, with guaranteed well rehearsed tropes and clichés. So I admire Dan Levy's restraint, and that he took a risk with a more subtle approach. It isn't, as I imagined, a romcom, rather, a gentle exploration of grief, friendship and complicated legacies. I found it quite emotive without sentimentality. I loathe feeling manipulated by film makers- when the music, sappiness and script so deliberately and blatantly are working their formulaic chops off in a contrived effort to control every reaction a viewer is having.

While I wasn't 'blown away' by this film, I was impressed and engaged. I suspect/hope that Levy will continue to create as well as act, and be a well regarded director/writer in his own right.

Finally, the performances were great and the chemistry between the 3 friends felt authentic. The script could have been sharper and, as much as I usually love Luke Evans, I thought his performance in this perhaps the weakest of all the cast. But these a minor criticisms. I understand it if isn't what some people drawn to the film were hoping/expecting , and can understand some disappointment. But, for me, it was just right in tone and I think Dan Levy will go from strength to strength.
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