More about the events than the people
6 January 2024
Let me start off by saying that this is a really well made movie. I don't know which parts were cgi and which weren't because it wasn't very noticeable. It was just really well done. I've read the book 'Alive' not too long ago and I visited the museum in Montevideo, so I am very familiar with the story already. This movie was a nice addition. It really shows the harsh conditions that the victims had to face after the crash.

However, I think that 2,5 hours is just not enough to do justice to the story. There were a lot of things that I was missing in this movie, for instance, we didn't really get to know the people. There were a lot of quotes that I loved that were left out, and also some events were brushed over too quickly or just left out alltogether. But at the same time, the events that were shown were essential to the story. So honestly I think this story just needs to be retold in a mini series instead of a movie. Maybe than it will be possible to show the events as well as the people. Because right now I think everyone just needs to read the book since the movie left out a lot of things.

But overall, the movie was really well made and did a great job at showing the harsh conditions and the tragedy that the victims had to face. It is a really nice addition to the book to get some visuals with the story, but it is not a replacement. If you're intrigued by the story, please read the book as well.
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