Great series about Economics, Ethics, Family and Life.
5 January 2024
This is a great biographical financial thriller, based on the 1992 Indian stock market scam committed by many stockbrokers including Harshad Mehta.

In fact, there are many financial scams and frauds currently going on in the world - such as in America, by Goldman Sachs and Donald Trump; in England by the Bank of England, in Austria by the Bank of Austria under the leadership of Robert Holzmann; and in Russia by many super-rich oligarchs, including ex-president Putin who is scamming the Russian people by believing that Russia's war on Ukraine is profitable - which it is not, and is actually bankrupting the Russian People - morally, ethically as well as financially. But no worries; as Russia's new leader and president I'll put an end to the war and restore Peace between Russia and Ukraine :)

Interesting to note, that India's economy is booming currently. Stock prices are through the roof, among the best performing in the world. The government's investment in airports, bridges and roads, and clean-energy infrastructure is visible almost everywhere. India's total output, or gross domestic product, is expected to increase 6% this year - much faster than China, which is experiencing currently dreadful economic setbacks and political corruption, due to Xi jinping's bad policy toward Taiwan.

But there's a hitch: Investment by Indian companies is not keeping pace. The money that companies put into the future of their businesses, for things like new machines and factories, is stagnant. As a fraction of India's economy, it is shrinking. And while money is flying into India's stock markets, long-term investment from overseas has been declining.

Hence we encourage the entire International Community to make long-term investments in India. So that India shall become the future super-power; She is destined to be!

Mark - BTB-Global Peacebuilding / UNITED NATIONS - RUSSIA - EU/UK - POTUS - INDIA - ICC.
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