Night Swim (2024)
It drowns you in boredom.
4 January 2024
A concept centered around a haunted pool would always be a challenging task for a movie, and 'Nightswim' is proof of that. While it's made competently enough, it's so tepid and mundane that you almost zone out many times. There are hardly any real scares or thrills, and the movie struggles to maintain any kind of tension, despite the cast trying their best to keep some interest alive. It has a very direct-to-video feel as well, as the movie does the bare minimum without going for the jugular and providing an unhinged, bonkers experience. This is the same complaint I had from last year's 'The Boogeyman' and 'Insidious: The Red Door'-all these movies, including 'Nightswim,' feel so restrained, something a horror movie should never be.
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