Game of Thrones: High Sparrow (2015)
Season 5, Episode 3
A House Without Any Shades of Grey
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers

Best Part: Bye Bye, Janos Slynt

Worst Part: The House of Black and White is still awful. The whole scene with the Game of Faces is boring and brutal and stupid and doesn't make any sense all at the same time. Why is it called the Game of Faces? What is this supposed to teach Arya? Why does the Waif hate Arya so much? Why does Jaqen half go along with it? Later, why can't Arya hide away all of her stuff in the place she hid needle instead of throwing all of it into the river? WHY DID ARYA THROW THE COIN INTO THE RIVER AGAIN??!!! It's SO stupid.

Runner Up Worst Part: So, Tyrion gets out of his car and goes to ONE brothel, and it happens to be the same one Jorah's in? What a funny coincidence. This is a prime example of awful writing to force the plot forward.
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