Three-Body (2023– )
TEDIOUS! Ep.21: Protagonist FINALLY clues in!
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This whole story is about aliens, but you have to trog through 21 episodes until the main character even learns about them! It's ridiculous. Most of the backstories are not useful at all, I mean 3 episodes dedicated to a mathematician who was neither interesting nor pertinent to the plotline... and half of the episodes are like that. They could have easily cut down the lead up to episode 20 into 10 episodes, and still keep all the good stuff that's interesting or pertinent . It's like the director is getting paid by the episode, not by the audience engagement.

And since it's made in China that's probably exactly what happened.

Look, if you've not watched it yet, first look at the individual episode ratings here on IMDB, then don't watch the episodes with lower ratings (only watch about 10 of the first 20), until you get to episode 20. Thankfully, you will not miss anything important, and if you think you did... don't worry...there's so much repetition that it's like beating a horse to death. You'll catch up. Plus you'll save yourself of about 7 hours of really tedious backstory that's neither interesting nor pertinent in the log run.

The rest of it is awesome.
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