Platform 7 (2023)
Promising thriller that descends into nonsense
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
STAR RATING: ***** Brilliant **** Very Good *** Okay ** Poor * Awful

TW: contains references to suicide

Lisa (Jasmine Jobson) is a spirit, roaming around a rundown London train station, invisible to everyone coming and going around her. One night, with no one around, she spots Edward (Phil Davis), who she is unable to stop taking his own life. After getting to know more about Edward, who harbours a dark secret, she becomes determined to learn the reasons behind her own death, and her relationship with Matthew (Toby Regbo), leading up to the event.

Director Geoffrey Sax adapts this several part adaptation of a novel by Louise Doughy, which makes for an intriguing little piece even if you're not familiar with the original source material. Touching on some uncomfortable subjects in its main story, it still manages to be a generally relatable affair, with a nice mix of younger talent and older talent, including veteran actor Davis, whose character arc takes a dark turn at a certain point, and leaves the main plot when he felt developed enough to stay to the end.

The theme of ghosts lingering around a certain area, unable to rest until something is resolved, is still a reliably serviceable template to frame a supernatural story around, and this is one that manages to fit some adult themes into the mix along with it. It's a story that admittedly has a lot of potential, but it takes a detour, and threads a load of improbable and far fetched plot turns to reach its end, with some political plot points thrown in, leading to some stilted and unconvincing dialogue, in spite of some strong lead performances and a decent supporting cast.

It's a shame this didn't come together and be the sum of its parts, because it definitely had the promise to. I'm sure the novel is much better. **
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