I've not seen this film at all! But I have to rant a little!
31 December 2023
I've not seen this film! I can't find it anywhere! I'd be happy to see whatever the bits and pieces the other reviewer saw. I'm a big fan of Nemesis and Cyborg and Pyun's work and style. I'm really sad to hear of his dementia and passing.

I'm really hoping someone will pick up this project and finish it!!

It sounds like it came so far and, come on! Someone out there in TV land can pick this up and get it over the line. I would do it if i could!

For me it's become a wish list item.

1. I wish someone would make Ulysses 31 into a live action 3 part IMAX film. Using 9 stories of the original series, to make up 3 full length films. (Neill Blomkamp, come on fella, you're obviously a fan).

2. Bring the Buzz servers back online or start a new Buzz service so we can all enjoy the online sofa games again. Its been years and we all still miss those fun times.

3. Pick up Cyborg Nemesis and finish the job. Its Pyun's last gig!

Thanks for reading if you did. Happy new year 2024!
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