Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer (2023 TV Special)
Fly on for all of us, Dave. Fly on.
31 December 2023
'The Dreamer' provides a raw and less immaculately polished set than Dave's previous Netflix outings (such as 'Sticks and Stones' and 'Equanimity'). Those who are desperate to see him deliver the comedic equivalent of 'drawing a perfect circle freehand' (...once more) may be a little disappointed at first, but this can be overcome by adjusting your perspective slightly and appreciating that Dave's presentation in this special is simply different.

Specifically, the usual 'smooth-as-glass' flow of 'back-to-back stories' is substituted here for a messier ad-hoc and human approach... taking perhaps more risk than ever before in the pursuit of what he does best and what we ultimately love him for: "you know... just fudging around."

For example, at times Dave will simply relay a ridiculous line, barely able to make his way through his delivery because he is trying not to laugh. It may not be consistently crisp (relative to earlier efforts) but it's endearingly relaxed and, as mentioned, very human. What remains consistent however is that Dave is awesomely funny - an absolute titan. Nobody else today can touch him on that front.

A strong stomach is required for the opening segment, in which Dave defiantly demonstrates that his muscular comedy mind has no boundaries where he dare not go. We, the audience, might get uncomfortable (at times), but so long as we buy into and applaud the mantra of "just fudging around" we must simultaneously accept that it would be missing the point to draw the line for anyone in particular. In for a penny, in for a pound.

For anyone that finds the opening too harsh, I recommend persevering as the remainder of the set may recalibrate your sensitivities. It's not long before Dave once again reveals his human empathy for others. Those with a keen ear will know that he has always possessed empathy for all by the bucketload.

However, I must concede... although it's obvious that Dave is playing on negative expectations of himself in this opening, he does so with perhaps the most knowingly 'troll-like' joke in his entire catalogue. After presenting quite compelling arguments for people "not listening" to him in earlier specials, it feels a little uncouth and 'un-Dave-like' to goad so brazenly. I expect Dave led with that joke to reassert his sense of control, and his comment that he 'loves punching down' is obviously dripping with sarcasm. But some watching may possibly miss Dave's artistic nuance entirely (i.e. It is the 'flip / trick' itself, from telling a mild-mannered story and suddenly delivering a shocking comment, that I believe is the meat of the joke) and instead only laugh for the reason that 'upsetting / goading others is fun'... which can be true in small and playful doses, sure, but it ought not to be the leading or sole angle for a wider suite of jokes, in my opinion. Likewise, people that have not watched his earlier specials for context may get the wrong idea and assume that Dave's humour is principally rooted in being cruel, which I really do not think is true but I could see how someone could get that unfortunate impression from this opening section if they haven't invested more time in Dave's work.

Wisely, this material is used very sparingly, and I am always willing for material to challenge me, but nevertheless... Dave ought to be careful to avoid his satire being misunderstood, which could see him becoming a champion for unsavoury persons.

Otherwise, Dave remains a joy to watch in this special, just like any performance by someone who is a true master of their art. His mannerisms and facial expressions provide just as much entertainment as the words he uses. He speaks and laughs so freely it's honestly like watching a bird fly.

Fly on for all of us, Dave. Fly on.
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