"What If" we cared about these stories
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think "What If" is the absolute best example of how the "downfall" of the Marvel franchise has happened. It's not racism, hating of genders, or political ideology. It's just bad writing.

"What if" is an anthology show. Apparently the powers that be at Marvel have forgotten that or they are just so obsessed with interconnected stories due to the whole "multiverse" angle that they feel an overwhelming compulsion to connect absolutely everything.

This series could be so good. Viewers have no idea what they are missing. The comic series had such strange and insane ideas, and all that potential goes to waste in season 2 of "What If".

I just don't particularly care about Captain Carter. It was an okay idea in season 1, but in an anthology series where you can literally do ANY story, for some reason they just keep going back to the same one.

"What if Thanos was right? ", "What if Red Skull won?", "What if the other half got snapped?". Just a few ideas.

But no, we get "what if. Nebula was a cop?" Like, really? How pathetic.

Marvel, you will wither and die if you don't hire competent writers. Perhaps it's already too late.
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