Visual Spectacle with Video Game Feel
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode feels a lot like a video game in certain aspects. That especially becomes obvious in between Peggy breaking out the Universe Killers and the final fight against Strange Supreme. The characters they encounter in the hall, from Hela to Surtur to Zombie Wanda could be viewed as boss fights in order to get to the final boss (Strange Supreme).

"But wait!" you might say," What about Killmonger? They encounter him in the hallway, too." Well, Killmonger might as well be one of those video game chests that has equipment in it, since he's defeated in less than a minute. He only exists in order to give Peggy the Infinity Armor and stones in order for her and Kahhori to stand a fighting chance against Strange.

Speaking of that fight, it is awesome! I love how creative it gets with all the magic. It also keeps building and building in intensity as well, truly making for a wonderfully climactic showdown! The action's great, it's visually stunning, and the animation is wonderful!

In terms of characters, it makes sense why Strange would try to bring Christine back again. Like Kahhori says, he's been in solitude for too long, and having a bunch of uncontrolled demons that represents your grief wouldn't really help your sanity, so it makes sense why he'd do this. I like how the mislead was done throughout the beginning of this episode, too.

This episode is pretty great! If I had to pick which finale I prefer, though, I'd say narratively, Season 1's was better. But in terms of pure visual spectacle and adrenaline-pumping action, Season 2's finale wins out on that regard. So, I guess overall, I like both if them equally. They both have their merits and shortcomings, but both generally make for a great time when watching.

As for which Season I prefer as a whole, I really like this season better than the first. This season truly gave us some What Ifs with much more unexpected twists and turns than Season 1 had. This season also had more consistently good episodes and intriguing concepts than Season 1 did. The only thing I'd say it did better was the pacing, as this season's episodes tend to go faster and are shorter than Season 1's episodes, so there's more areas of rushed pacing to be had here.

Overall, like I said, I really enjoyed this episode and this season. I can't wait for what Season 3 brings to the table.
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