Entertaining documentary about a person you may or may not like
30 December 2023
A good documentary about a person you could love at one moment and hate at another. Despite some of her vicious barbs, she seems like an enjoyable person, though it's only film clips so who really knows. I read most of her writings when she was with the New Yorker as I lived in New York City then and regardless if she were writing with an opinion that you liked or not, there was no doubt that she was a very good writer and very passionate about her subject matter. She has many interesting things to say here and one has to feel a little sorry for her daughter who seems very sweet, but saying that her mother being a critic needed to critique absolutely everything must have been a maddening upbringing, though she never really complains. There's a very uncomfortable little sequence involving the great director David Lean in which Kael more or less just demoralized him and it is painful to watch. She also has some opinion about Herman Mankiewicz than other people do not share from other writings I have read regarding him. She credits him with the screenplay of Citizen Kane, but from two other sources I've read he was a down and out drunk though he did have some participation in this screenplay. Who knows, but they were both credited with the screenplay and that seems fair enough to me since it's ancient history and everyone involved is deceased now. There are lots of clips of interviews with others about her and love her or not, most at least seem to respect her. If you like film you will probably want to see this. If you like film criticism, which I was obsessed with at one time prior to the Internet destroying it as a writing art form of its own, you will more than probably want to see this. For film buffs, this thing is just packed with film clips.
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