A solid Liam Neeson film.
28 December 2023
An engaging, and thankfully not too long Crime film. Starring a back to form Neeson, some trusty old favourites, and a handful of excellent new faces, plus of course some beautifully wild Irish scenery, shot to perfection. The production did a great job of reproducing the 1974 era, fashion, decor, cars and music.

The plot moved along at a steady pace, with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. A bit more action would not have been out of place, it is a liam Neeson film after all. Dialogue was believable and fitting to the characters, which were all convincingly portrayed. Though the thick Irish accents were at times difficult to follow, for this viewer anyway, but nothing important was missed.

An enjoyable 1 hour 30 plus, and a solid 7/10. But I was left with the feeling that some judicial rewriting, more intense directing, and a bit more soul, could have made this a 9, and a possible action/drama classic?
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