An amalgamation of all things beautiful in life. Fantastic
28 December 2023
This episode might be the single greatest piece of fiction that has ever transmitted its wavelengths of visible light through my pupils in my 28 years of life on this cursed Earth. Before I had the pleasure of viewing this, I was standing atop the Golden Gate Bridge preparing my plummet to an endless void. But, like a stroke of compassion from this oh so cruel world, my cousin and simultaneously girlfriend messaged me with this majestic, brilliant, exquisite, distinguished, noteworthy episode. I was at rock bottom with nothing left to lose when by chance I bore witness to the cinematic masterpiece of media that graced my humble eyes upon clicking play. The masterful imagery and connotations that insued upon starting the episode will surely last with me throughout my days and were a source of complete and utter nourishment to my emotional state in this cold and callous word we live in. Before viewing this episode, I considered myself a total and complete nihilist, however after viewing something with the emotional power and compelling story of Julius Caesar as an orange, I have found a true purpose in my life. It brought me to a forlorn sense of solitude, of which I have never seen the likes of and will never again. It opened my eyes to the innate insignificance yet simultaneous simplicity of the human experience, similar to the ancient philosophies of the likes of Plato. Never have I seen such groundbreaking and enlightening media and I doubt I will ever again. Therefore I urge you too, whoever you are to too watch this masterpiece, as did I, and thus bask in all its glory. After finally, closing the tab of my phone, in which I was viewing the episode, I felt completely reformed and suddenly felt the mercy of God, something which my life has been devoid of for all of these 28 years, from my birth to this fateful day. The impact these twelve minutes have had on my life and the lives of those closest to me simply cannot be understated, and I would like to now share this impact with all of you reading this. After making my way down the bridge, I decided that my life was needing of reform. The first person who I decided to redeem myself to was my cousin and girlfriend. I believe that she was the one most deserving of an apology, as she is the one who began this change in my life, by showing me this episode. I now no longer abuse her, and treat her as an equal, and allow her to leave the house. Another relationship, which I brutally demolished, before my realisation, was that with my brother. Me and him had a brutal fight exactly seven years and a month to this day. This brutal conflict culminating in his paralysis of the lower half of his body, following the climax of our conflict. But now, as a changed man with a true purpose in life, I believe I have truly made amends with him, through my sincere and genuine apology, a quality, bestowed upon me, by the benevolent and near spiritual teachings of this incredible episode. Every year, on the anniversary of my attempted suicide we sit down and watch this episode, allowing all the enriching juices of its contents to seep its way seamlessly through our stubborn, often tough and unwilling mortal shell and in a state of euphoric extacy as we ponder the beauty of our existence before we proceed to make love in front of our beloved orange and our ultimate master who we can only admire from the perspective of an inferior subordinate, heedless to the boundless beauty of him, similar to the experience of our beloved fellow reviewer laurensamuel-62557. Therefore I will finish with this- watch the episode, if nothing else, and you will surely become aware of the trivialities and unconscious conformities of your life and thereby society as a whole and I believe that these realizations will then shape your life and that of those around you. So alas I urge you my friend.... to watch.
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