A mixed bag
28 December 2023
This movie, about Thea who is going to her rural hometown to celebrate a classic Norwegian Christmas with her family, is an okay comedy movie.

It's not a movie you should take seriously because it's silly in several ways, which is not a bad thing. It contains mostly funny actors and elements that tries to give the audience some laughs. I admit that I'm not satisfied with Ida Ursun-Holm's (as Thea Evjen) performance. She doesn't do bad, but I feel like she's trying too hard, like she's trying to become a popular Hollywood actress who speaks perfect American English. I cringe most of the time because she acts very cheesy, but I also think that's because of the directing and script in general. It doesn't feel natural sometimes. The movie also has some pacing issues and it varies from being funny to boring fourth and back where it also can get confusing if the movie actually is a silly or a serious comedy, or maybe a mixed one. However, there are characters in the movie that use their part to entertain, especially the protagonist Thea Evjen's brother, Simen Evjen, who is just like the actor, Erik Follestad, in real life himself. So overall, this is a mixed bag.

Certainly, this movie delivers some humorous moments and entertaining characters, but it falters due to pacing issues and a somewhat inconsistent tone. The over-the-top performance of Ursin-Holm, coupled with the uneven direction and script, detracts from the overall experience. While the movie's charm lies in its lightheartedness and cultural clashes, a stronger focus on naturalism and a clearer genre identity could have elevated it from a mixed bag to a more cohesive and enjoyable comedy experience.
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