Not sure where all the hatred is coming from
28 December 2023
I went into this with zero expectations and enjoyed it all the way through. My only disappointment was that I had to wait for the conclusion. Reading the negative reviews I see some valid criticism, but there is no justification for the one and two star reviews. Considering looking at the overall score even with these extreme low reviews, a LOT of people are upvoting without bothering to review. Is this a GREAT movie? Heck no. It has a lot of flaws. But is it an ENJOYABLE film if you just want to ride the emotional wave of despicable villains and stereotypical heroes? Absolutely. This requires exactly no more suspension of disbelief than any of the blockbuster comic book hero movies flooding the market. Do you want to put the same filter of realism on ANY of those? Do you think, any of the Marvel superheroes make any sense at all? Its all emotions and action which this movie has plenty of. It's bubblegum. So just get your emotional rush and leave it at that. It's not going to win any awards but does that make the slightest bit of difference for the majority of people who will like it?
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