England expects....
24 December 2023
This is a great parody, not only of the England football team and their numerous world cup troubles but also of the media, and the "build em up and knock em down" culture of our media. Everyday manager Mike Bassett is unexpectedly given the role of England manger, he quickly puts together a support staff team and boldly states his ambition to win the world cup for his country. Even before the the first match has been played though there are signs that all may not go well. Bassett is clearly an honest man who wears his heart on his sleeve but his lack of technical know-how is cruelly exposed. Driven to desperation Bassett attempts drastic solutions only to backfire with farcical results. The media quickly turn on him as do the fans. By a miracle though he gets his team through to the world cup but things only get worse for him. In the end Bassett has one last chance to turn things round a salvage not just his own reputation but his country's pride too.

This film was never likely to win any Oscars, but it is an intelligent parody of the farcical nature of England's world cup campaigns as well as a cynical look into the world of the press and their merciless attacks on the England manager.
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