Review of Flatland

Flatland (2007 Video)
Flatland Fell Flat
21 December 2023
The concept was very interesting but the execution was awful. Basic writing accompanied by misdirected voice actors.

In any production, the audience should forget (even for a moment) that they're watching a production. Never did I "fall into the story", all I kept hearing were people speaking inauthentically into a microphone.

I'm sure the people who made this gave it their best possible efforts, so I don't like to give these types of reviews, but this was terrible from start to finish. I forced myself to watch from beginning to end, hoping at some point to find some enjoyment or wisdom but it failed miserably.

I would encourage the people who made this to learn from their mistakes and try again, but creative writing isn't for everyone. People with the passion to write should keep exploring different avenues and branches of the craft.

I know several passionate writers personally, who have tried and failed at multiple writing mediums until they found their niche.

So, to the writer of this cartoon I say "If your pen refuses to stay in its inkwell, then release it in every direction until it finds it has landed on the proper parchment".
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