Ended before the story started
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How can a movie resonate with the viewer, if the story builds for two hours, and ends in 10 seconds? How can a writer think that this will have an impact on the viewer?

Well, the film feels and looks like a comic book. It is an simple comic book storyline, It feels kinda like a saturday morning cartoon. This is a great look if you're going for an animated movie, but for a whole picture that is demanding towards older audiences.. this is a problem. An problem which Hollywood doesn't seem to care about. Because I've seen this in almost every high-budget adventure film this year.

It is always the same structure. The Hero returns and needs to save someone or defend somewhere, one that is near to him explains that he needs to get to A because at B him awaits an creature, that is much stronger than him. So he needs to get an item, or in this specific case, get an person, that could help him. AND very important to note here, is that the villain always gets teased at this part as this demonic, highly frightening creature.

In the end, he's mostly just an huge piece of plastic or an huge piece of Green-Screen. Or, the worst case, he dies in merely 60 seconds after his great appearance.

While this kind of storytelling overshadows what audiences REALLY want, and what potentially great writers could achieve if there would be more demand for interesting, immersive concepts and ideas in Hollywood, at least, please, try your best in writing your characters Appealing.

The first Aquaman is simple, it's basic, but in it's first minutes it's already emotionally resonating and has GREAT camera-angles that psychologically just attracts someone to stay for more. The movement of the camera was immediately grabbing. And in the end, you got an work of art which is intense, epic and emotional at once, just because the filmmaking does the best out of it.

So, either have a great script, or have a great filmmaker, a great sound-editor, cinematographer, composer, color-grader, visual effects artist..

Filmmaking is not without reason called an art-form.
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