The Night Agent (2023– )
Pretty good
21 December 2023
Don't understand all the negative comments about this? Yes, there are some minor plot holes here and there, but nothing glaringly silly. It's not meant, nor is trying, to be a super serious, realistic espionage thriller. It's a well paced popcorn action series that let's you switch off and enjoy the ride for an hour or so per episode, and it does this pretty well.

The lead characters are likeable and the acting throughout is good from the whole cast.

The storyline keeps you engaged throughout and the pacing is good, never spending too long on action sequences, and has enough twists and rurns to keep you guessing. Yes, the assassins all of a sudden couldn't hit a barn door or fight their way out of a paper bag when confronting our heroes, but hey you can say this about every other program in this genre couldn't you?

If you want something to put on and switch off for a while then you could do much worse than this. Give it a go.
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