Review of The Sound

The Sound (2017)
All potential wasted into a snoozer
21 December 2023
The movie pace is so slow that even the characters appear bored, slack jawed and sullen, reciting lines deadpan and woodenly. The plot was interesting , but never developed past the point of endless potential wasted.

The idea that sound waves of varying intensity cause ghostly hallucinations hooked me. The movie produced little expounding on that theory, other than to show a cheap computer app that recorded the presence of sound waves. Do the sound waves cause hallucinations or go ghosts produce sound waves? Who knows. Never explored. Just watching boring sound waves with no evidence or anything to suggest any more depth to the question. Kept wondering when it would develop beyond, but it never does.

Obviously low budget. The neatness, lack of rats or anything that would suggest the underground was a huge detriment. What abandoned subway is regularly swept and dusted and what normal person would lay their head on the floor of an abandoned subway? The setting felt more like a few empty truck trailers connected together and poorly spray painted with an attempt at lame graffiti.

Long minutes of staring at one characters dead pan face ( said character is also in such a poor quality wig you want to put a leash on it and take it for a walk and then straighten it out correctly back on her head) interrupted by a second of poor dialogue that you miss if you sneeze....or blink.

Great to put on in the background as you clean the house, but don't actually sit and pay attention because you will be sorely disappointed and left wanting your 93 minutes back.
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