Warhorse One (2023)
Unwatchably bad
18 December 2023
I didn't know they made movies this bad anymore. Amateur doesn't cover it. Your typical YouTube video of kids playing with toys has better production quality and a more coherent storyline.

But at least the acting is a joke that makes one pine for the professionalism of local theater, photography gives me a headache (literally constantly moving for some reason), and Lens Flare should get top billing.

It is so boring! Walk, shoot, walk, walk, walk, shoot. Everything takes forever. Normal action movie conversations that in the 80s would take 20 seconds take FIVE MINUTES here, so the end result is this debacle is over 2 hours long.

(There are not enough pixels in the world to define the physical impossibilities and technical inaccuracies, as well).

And just for the fun of it, there's politics for no reason (blaming Biden for the Trump withdrawl in sentence 3), lots of pro-Christian messaging that also makes a point of being explicitly anti-Muslim instead of anti-terrorist, etc.
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