Amusing Disney Mashup with Hammer or Amicus
17 December 2023
The Cat from Outer Space somehow flies, reads minds and programs computers but has no idea what chopped kidney or tuna is...I guess this was a charming attempt to make Jake seem like a human foreign tourist, don't expect anything to make sense especially since this Disney film seems heavily influenced by adult sci fi from the Hammer or Amicus studios.

The gambling alcoholic who crashes the hapless scientist's apartment is as convincingly rude and ridiculous as any addict but it's never explained why this guy is in a children's film.

One of the funniest aspects of this forgotten flick is that it seems to be criticizing the US military. I hated the "army" element as a little girl, but it makes so much more sense as an adult. At least something does!

The Cat from Outer Space is a cute but flawed companion to its sixties cousin That Darn Cat. I have a theory this is the real reason Gen X and Millennials made cats famous on the Internet.
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