An odd script, that's for sure.
17 December 2023
Rob has a friend who is making a movie. This friend wants Rob to be a script doctor and improve his script and in exchange, he'll let Rob star in it. At first, this isn't an issue, as although it's a romance, the 'woman' he'll be acting against in the film will be played by the camera. As a result, the usually jealous Laura doesn't have a problem with Rob being in the film. But when the director changes his wind and gets a gorgeous Italian woman to co-star with Rob, this creates problems--not just for Laura but for Rob as well. So, to try to get past this, Rob sends Laura home and filming resumes. Is the film a success? And, can Laura handle this change in the movie?

The episode has a few laughs. But the script is a problem because it didn't make a lot of sense. Why would they have Rob star in such a film considering he has no experience? And, doesn't all this seem out of character for Rob?? As a result, it's a very weak episode...watchable but a disappointment.
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