Beyond Evil (1980)
Possession and the occult but not a great film
17 December 2023
Beyond Evil - 1980 (This Film Rates a C- ) An Izod polo shirt wearing architect named Larry and his wife Barbara travel to a small native island. There they find out the expected accomodations are not ready, "it needed a whole bunch of repairs". They subsequently are to stay at a local hotel but soon find out there were no accomodations to begin with. After an arguement about Larry's business partner "lying again", Larry and Barbara ultimately end up at a creepy mansion named Casa Fortuna. The house is paid for and free for them to stay at. It has not been lived in for 100 years. That should be the first red flag. Of course the house is "haunted" after the previous husband and wife murdered each other in a twisted tale involving the occult. Barbara starts having nightmares and hallucinations of the murdered wife (Alma). She starts acting bizarre and succumbs to being possessed. Each death winds up looking like a freak accident. The effects are pretty lame with nothing extensive. There is some blood but lacks any punch. In one scene you see the car catch on fire before it goes over the cliff and is engulfed in flames. The acting isn't atrocious but it's not spectacular. The story takes a long time to develop and when it does it just isn't exciting. Plus, the ending is a letdown. There are no T&A. You do get lines such as "I asked for a bride, and you sent me a witch" and "He's dynamite in bed if that is what you mean" or "I don't feel like being touched right now". But that is about it for excitement.
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