The Rescue (1988)
"The Rescuers" was more realistic.
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A group of kids from two families escape from the harsh realities of high school and overbearing moms to head to South Korea to rescue their captive fathers. Led by Kevin Dillon, they're able to raise the money to get there, evade capture by the military, get assistance from Korean rebels and get ahold of weapons. It's three boys and one girl (I'm surprised that Dillon didn't say "Girls ruin everything" by her stubborn insistence on goung), and without any type of formal rescue training, it's only because of the preposterous script that you know they're going to succeed.

Eye rolling, head shaking and belly pain laughable, this is a "teen power" action film that has to be seen to be believed. James Cromwell and Edward Albert co-star, but the overactive kids dominate. This has been called a teen "Rambo", and watching this right after watching "Rambo III" (released the same year), I agree. I guess recent puberty must do something to the teenage fear factor as none of them worry at all about their mission impossible. Definitely one of the worst teen movies of the 80's. I'll give it credit and an extra point for keeping me to the end. I wasn't bored, just mortified.
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