The Rockford Files: Pastoria Prime Pick (1975)
Season 2, Episode 11
Think New York's expensive? Wait till you see the prices in New Pastoria
15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's only a few episodes since Jim's car broke down in a small town and he was first robbed of $10,000 and then wound up being arrested for murder. So when his car breaks down near little New Pastoria, maybe he should be thinking of just walking back to the nearest city. I mean, what's a few hundred miles if you have a pair of good shoes?

But, of course, he chooses to go into town and stay in a motel while he waits for his car to be repaired. Now, when he gets to the motel and sees the maid, that's when all the alarm bells should start ringing at full volume. The girl might as well have "Jailbait" tattooed all over that glorious body. Something bad is about to go down here. Could it be her?

But Jim doesn't notice anything odd. And this is where the problems really start. And they don't stop coming. Within the space of a few viewing minutes, he's been arrested for having committed pretty much every crime under the sun apart from armed terrorism, sheep bothering and eating tofu.

I start panicking. I'm sure a combination of pure bad luck and the unbelievably hot motel maid's jealous boyfriend manipulating evidence are threatening to send Jim to prison for the rest of his life. How can he possibly get out of this in the short remaining time of the episode? Will all future episodes be about Jim outsmarting mafia goons in prison and getting them sent to... other prisons?

But look! It turns out it's all an enormous racket, involving virtually the town's entire population. I breathe a sigh of relief. Now that we and Jim know that it's all about the money, I'm in no doubt that he'll come up with a clever plan to come out on top. I can concentrate on my perpetual Rockford Files task; ogling the 70s superbabes in every episode. Most unfortunately, Smith Wordes (wordsmith?) doesn't make a reappearance. But with Gretchen Corbett and Kathie Browne, I'm happy.

Sure enough, Jim finds a few good men and comes up with an impossible plan which works. The evil empire is vanquished and all the bad guys arrested, leaving the town's population standing at five people, four chickens, two skunks and Ebeneezer the goat, newly elected mayor. But they're honest people and animals. They'll make it.

Me, I march, head held high, into the camp of those who, while recognising the ever-so-slightly exaggerated nature of this episode, love it dearly and will defend it passionately.

The End.
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