Review of Life

Life (2023)
Recommended by Ismail
15 December 2023
I've watched this movie after the recommandation of Ismail Kiliçaslan and let me tell you something this is the best Turkish movie I've ever seen. Its realism, realistic characters,realistic story containing all humanistic and ethical values are already milestones for not only for the Turkish cinema but also for the world. Zeki Demirkubuz's best film ever, even better than "Masumiyet".

As for the ups, the story is interesting, the scenes are well-shot, the acting is splendid, and the dose of bleakness is just right. Very enchanting scenario and poetic expression. Demirkubuz has a specific style. Imagine a film, that makes you feel the hardness of the pavement you hit your head onto, once again.
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