Review of Archie

Archie (2023)
Entertaining with a few reservations
15 December 2023
My Review- Archie Streaming on BritBox My Rating 7/10

Cary Grant the debonair elegant movie star that was was such a unique and sophisticated invention of the Hollywood star system of the 1930's 1940's would be nearly impossible for any actor to portray today successfully.

Jason Isaacs comes very close especially with impersonating the distinctive mid Atlantic cultured voice of Cary Grant but at times I felt I was watching an impersonation instead of an impression.

I've read and watched many fine documentaries on Cary Grant and his life pre Hollywood and post Hollywood and really learnt nothing new about the man himself in this entertaining 4 part series .

A series based on Dyan Cannon's 2011 memoir Dear Cary . Dyan Cannon was married to Cary Grant for less than 3 years from 1965 to 1968 they had a daughter Jennifer who is along with her mother is a Producer of this series .

The screenplay written jointly by Jeff Pope and Dyan Cannon has a documentary interview style that begins with one of Cary Grants audience participation question and answer tours of the mid 1980's that were titled "A Conversation with Cary Grant." As he thinks back over his life story Jason Isaacs as Cary Grant relates his rags to riches story beginning in Bristol as a young child with a critically ill brother a mostly absent and ineffectual father and a stressed and depressed mother.

However as pointed out by my viewing partner the interior of their home was not very convincing as a house of poverty, quite comfortable as a matter of fact.

I was aware of all this background from watching the wonderful 2017 documentary told in Cary Grant's own words Becoming Cary Grant .

Another two very informative documentaries one about the Academy Award winning Australian costume designer Orry Kelly titled Women He's Undressed made by Gillian Armstrong in 2015 and another about Scotty Bowers titled Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood more than implied that Cary Grant also had male lovers.

No one will ever know the truth about Cary Grant's sexuality and it's not really that important except to say that in this series the only time that it's even implied is when Dyan Cannon played by Laura Aikman asks him outright if he was gay he gives a rather ambiguous answer "I have loved many people and married a few times" Archy Leach the acrobat clown escaped his poor child and traumatic childhood to become Cary Grant the debonair and sharp witted and amusing Hollywood gentleman who had the hilarious line which still breaks me up from the classic 1938 comedy Bringing Up Baby where he has to put on Katherine Hepburn's bathrobe. When asked "Why are you wearing these?", he replies: Because I just went gay, all of a sudden which is apparently the first time the gay word was used in a movie in that context.

Cary Grant certainly was no stranger to Pink Hollywood culture he also played a gay man although it was never mentioned in the biographical fantasy movie Night and Day about composer Cole Porter in 1946 .

His close association with colleagues in the Hollywood community of that golden era certainly would have exposed him to Gay culture . His friends included Katharine Hepburn with who he made 4 films with George Cukor who desperately wanted him to play Norman Maine in the 1954 movie A Star is Born and was furious when he refused and the great costume designer Orry Kelly who , wrote that he had an on-again, off-again relationship with Cary Grant until the 1930s.

Actor Randolph Scott and Cary Grant lived together for a couple of years and were regarded as a couple . Toward the end of their lives, Scott and Grant were often seen together, on one occasion holding hands late at night in the Polo Lounge, alone except for the waiters.

So if Cary Grant wasn't gay or bisexual he certainly embraced that culture and I felt it a pity it wasn't mentioned much at all in this series which I suppose is understandable if told from his ex wife Dyan Cannon's perspective.

I was entertained by this 4 part series Archie but can't help thinking that it concentrated more on Dyan Cannon's relatively brief encounter with the phenomenon that was Cary Grant .

For me missing out on an opportunity to portray accurately the magic makeover and alchemy that created the charm and personality of Cary Grant .

He may never have won an Oscar a BAFTA or a Golden Globe although in 1942 he did win a Golden Apple Award as Most Cooperative Actor but he remains and always will one of Hollywood's great iconic movie stars.

Cary Grant like Clark Gable ,Spencer Tracy , Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford Garbo and Dietrich all were true originals and while imitations are interesting they just can't capture the true essence of the original.

A special mention about the wonderful performance of Harriet Walter in this series who plays Elsie Leach the mother that Cary Grant didn't know was still alive till towards the end of her life when his father confessed she was still alive. His father had her committed to an asylum when he was a young boy telling him she had died .
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