Abominable Snowman (2013 TV Movie)
Don't waste your time
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't have high hopes for this movie to begin with, and unfortunately it proved me right. The script was bad and the acting was horrible.

The movie is basically about a young woman who drags her friends with her to go look for her brother who's gone missing in the mountains. But it turns out he's not missing, he's trying to set a trap fot Bigfoot, using himself as bait. It works, and Bigfoot kills almost everyone. So, pretty much what you'd expect from this kind of movie.

What really annoyed me with this movie though was that most of the people helping the young woman search for her brother have been in the military. And they still waste all their ammo shooting at nothing! Nobody with any kind of firearms training would do that. If you know you have 8 bullets left, you're not going to waste a single one shooting at something you can't see! Nobody with half a braincell would do that!
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