Creative and an absolute eye candy
11 December 2023
There are very few shows that took me by surprise as this one. In today's day and age where the same stuff is regurgitated, repeated and recycled over and over again its fulfilling and refreshing to something so original and unique. Aside from its originality which had a huge positive bonus on the reception of show it did not only rely on that but also was well rounded in terms of storytelling and directing also.

Story: 8.2

The storytelling was pretty good. Its pace, directing were all well done and the script and writing of the characters was pretty good. The biology and ecosystem of the world the crash landed ship was so unique that I had to give this story at least above an 8, without it I do not think the story would have been as good and would have been quite cliche actually with the colony ship and them crash landing on an alien planet. The atmosphere was very dynamic in this story and gave a wide variety of emotions which made the story truly feel like a rollercoaster.

Characters: 7.8

Nothing too deep or personal about them. I felt like we were not given enough time to really resonate and connect with them especially because this is a mini series and was only 12 eps. Though they felt diverse in terms of personality and background which was good enough for me.

Visuals/Sound: 10

They did an absolutely amazing job in this department. Each scene you could pause and make it your wallpaper of your laptop or phone and also the sounds, beats, and music just added on to the amazing atmosphere the show gave.

Overall quite an enjoyable show.

Memorable: Sort of Rewatchable: Maybe.
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