Review of Saw X

Saw X (2023)
Strong Start Disappointing Finish
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Saw X is one of the strongest starts since the opening of Saw 2. Slower, emotional and well acted by Tobin Bell. You feel genuine sympathy for the jigsaw killer, a sense of apprehension knowing this will go wrong for him, and a crazy sense of excitement as you think of the revenge journey Jigsaw is about to embark on. Seriously, it's like watching people drop blood on Carrie, piss off John Wick, or tease Jason; these people have no idea the monster they are about to unleash on themselves.

Decently cool traps, okay acting, strong performance from Tobin, and a comeuppance story that has you rooting for the villain this movie begins like a treat.

And then...our true villain reveals just how evil she really is. Everything after the convenient releasing of the fake doctor is crisscross in the most boring, ridiculous and readable of ways. Amanda, who has been a joy to have back, although the hair choice is ...distracting, goes from in control badass to hammy whiner. Our evil doctor delivers a comically long monologue on how evil she is, our "hero" in jigsaw does his best to pretend he's not in control but...come on, we literally just watched a scene where he basically winks at the audience and says "don't worry people, EVERYTHING is part of the plan." But literally nothing makes sense as to how he could have planned it ahead without having Spider-Man level sense of foresight bordering on reading the future.

The real crime is that the movie spenT all this time building hatred for our villain. To the boiling point of I can't wait till a trap rips her face apart or a pulley stretches her limbs off...seriously hats off to the actress, this lady is EVIL, but instead, after watching everyone else suffer incredibly painful deaths...the doctor is basically left to starve to death with a few burns. She may even live to return in future installments because it would be too easy to say someone found her in the warehouse. The same warehouse people were already planning to go visit to find her for all the evil she's done. How does the master of revenge fail to get revenge on the MAIN person who wronged him?

The woman who just says hi to Kramer gets a worse death than the woman who actually stole his money and faked a life saving procedure.

Great start but uninspired twists, too convenient reveals, and a lackluster resolution leaves one begging for one more brilliantly gruesome trap. I the only who thought Valentina got screwed? She cuts off her leg. Her whole dang leg (reminder the first Saw only asked for a foot and gave them basically all day to do it) only to die because she didn't drain enough marrow after the traumatic leg removal? You were wrong for that one Kramer.
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