Review of Wonka

Wonka (2023)
Loved It!
9 December 2023
As someone who grew up watching the Gene Wilder version, I will admit I was hesitant about this film especially after the lackluster trailers. That being said, five minutes into the film I realized I was in for a delicious treat.

The simplest way I can describe this new Wonka is beautiful. I remember trying to spot some issues that I could put into this review while watching the film, but honestly there are none. Wonka is like a warm hot chocolate on a winter's day. Everything from the set pieces to the costume design is perfect. All of the actors involved do a great job as well, but I have to say Timothee Chalamet really carries the film.

He is a fantastic young Wonka and I don't think any actor his age would've been able to pull it off like he did. I have always loved Timothee Chalamet as an actor, but this film for me cemented him as one of the best of his generation if not the best.

Wonka is the only film in years that had me grinning pretty much the entire runtime. I laughed, I cried and by the end was filled with more joy than I have felt in a very long time. If that isn't enough for you to buy a ticket then I don't know what to tell you.
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