Birth/Rebirth (2023)
If you want a scary movie AVOID THIS
6 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No way this movie deserves these glowing reviews. It wasn't scary, it was mildly creepy. How quickly the mom accepts the doctor kidnapping her child is absurd. The ending is so dull and rote it could've been a dark comedy or spoof. The acting isn't great despite what you've read. It's like they're trying to outdo each other cliche to cliché. Everything is done in a manic, slow-motion kind of way if that makes any sense. The whole movie seems like it's stuck on one gear. Very odd on so many levels. I wanted SOMETHING to happen in this movie. There was no tension at all. I really wanted the twist to be the lady's dead mom's brain to be in the little girl.
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