Your Money or Your Wife (1972 TV Movie)
TV movies don't get any more ridiculous or silly than this.
6 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You don't like that someone's leaving their job because it might impact yours? What a better way to save your job by planning a kidnapping plot! That's what Ted Bessell, Elizabeth Ashley and Jack Cassidy do when TV star Betsy Von Furstenberg decides to leave her job as the star of the show they write and produce simply because she's decided to marry the show's wealthy sponsor, Graham Jarvis. They go haywire in setting up the kidnapping (with Bessell and Cassidy seemingly in a contest to badly outact each other) and are even more ridiculous when they go through with it.

This is another case of "Don't let this happen to you!' where writers come up with a really cockamamie idea that makes no sense, turns the characters into ridiculous self centered jerks. Bessell, in the worst fake movie mustache I've ever seen, looks ridiculous, and Cassidy outdoes every flamboyant narcissistic creep he'd done in his entire career. Only Ashley seems to have any sense, but she's guilty by association. Von Furstenberg adds a touch of class, bur still should have been embarrassed by this. It makes you wonder who greenlit this to be filmed and why it wasn't shelved immediately upon pre-air viewing.
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