What were they thinking??
4 December 2023
Deborah Kerr joins the American Red Cross as an excuse to go to the Pacific theatre during WWII and find the last traces of her dead husband. Or something. Who cares. What a ridiculous premise.

As usual, Kerr exhudes all the charm of an ice-covered highway with the added flavor of silt dropped from passing 18 wheelers. I fail to see how anyone under the age of 60 would ever have bought a ticket to one of her movies, each of them more unwatchable than the last. Including the criminally over-rated From Here to Eternity. In this war-time atrocity, that buttoned-up getup and old-lady pearls it's like she's spending time with a wayward son who joined the marines against her wishes.

Speaking of which, super-suave William Holden wasn't even 35 when this film was made. He was at the height of his manly good looks, charm and fame. Somewhow, the film-makers turned him into an unlikeable, pushy, s3xist j2gov. And that's not even the worst of it. They slathered on some terrible makeup to make him look, wait for it, half Native American. But wait, it gets worse. They have him sporting a moustache. In one scene he looks like Martin Balsam.

I hope to gawd I never see another movie where Holden comes across this terribly. As for Kerr, this was just wretched par for the course.
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