Don't Look Up (2021)
Great Science Fiction - makes me proud to be an American :)
4 December 2023
This is a great science fiction and political satire; with my favorite two American actors - namely Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio :)

However, even though this fine film was very funny, I think Hollywood - as well as American audiences - are ready for science fiction films of a more intellectual and super-serious nature.

So even though this film was a great mixture of satire, soap opera and horror, I'm encouraging all actors and producers in Hollywood to do stuff based on intellectual science fictions. Such as "The Fountains of Paradise" By Arthur C. Clarke - which would promote the building of a much needed space elevator, for the International Community.

What I also recommend is doing a movie on creating more water in the world - which we have recently ordered the CIA to do - to provide funding and technology for Seawater Desalination.

The Global mean sea level has risen about 8-9 inches since 1880 - and will continue to rise.

Hence the logical plan is to divert desalinated seawater into the dry land mass of Earth; especially in Africa, the Middle East and India.

But this is a very big project.

So we are ordering the CIA - AND Hollywood - to take point in this very important mission; which might well save Humanity :)

Love and Light, Mark / UNITED NATIONS - POTUS - AU/EU/UK.
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